FAQ - Short-Term Course

  • How can I register my child for eduBridge's classes?

    You can fill-in the online enrollment form available under Enroll > Enrollment Form option and agree to the General Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. After completing the enrollment form, we will contact you within 5 working days.  

  • What is the average group/class size?

    On an average, there are 5-6 students in each group/class. 

  • Is a place ensured in eduBridge's classes after completing enrollment?

    Short answer: highly-likely. However, we do take multiple factors into account such as starting date, seat availbility in a group, days requested versus days available, school timings etc. before confirming a place. We contact the parent if we cannot enroll the student on the requested days/time.  

  • Do I get a refund from the tax office for eduBridge's classes?

    eduBridge is not a kinderopvang. And hence, no refund can be claimed for eduBridge's classes from the tax office.

  • Is there a sibling discount available?

    We do not offer sibling discount. 

  • What is the duration of eduBridge's contract?

    The contacts expire at the end of the each short term course, irrespective of the start date. If you wish to enrol for the next course, kindly contact at shilpabhalla@edubridge.nl

  • How can I terminate my contact?

    Short-term contract will automatically terminate at the end of the course. It is not possible to terminate during the duration of the course.

  • Do the classes take place during school holidays?

    We work during after school hours. No classes take place during the school holidays. 

    Our working calendar follows Dutch national school holiday calendar for Regio Noord (https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/schoolvakanties/overzicht-schoolvakanties-per-schooljaar). 

    Additionally, we are closed during the following days:

    • 1 day for Diwali (Indian festival).
    • 1 additional week during winter holidays. 
  • When do I get invoiced? And what are the payment terms?

    We issue invoices on or before the start of a month. Our payment term is 7 days, from invoice issue date. Bank transfer is the preferred mode of payment.  Full payment needs to be made in advance to ensure a confirmed seat.

  • Whom do I contact if I have a question about the invoice?

    Kindly send an email to accounts@edubridge.nl for any questions related to invoice.

  • Does eduBridge provide snack/lunch?

    No. We do not provide snack/lunch. We, however, advice the parents to send snack/lunch and a water bottle for the children, which they can consume during the snack/lunch break. 

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